
Tuesday 25 August 2020

Feeling Quotes


Feeling quotes in English

Having a weak point is like not having a part of your body and you afraid of doing the things which you want and it also stops you to be better, so you have to turn your weak point into a strong point you ever have so that you can be your best.


No matter how right you are no matter how tired you are but when it comes to standing for the truth you have to fight for it. No one would be one your site, just because you know that your right. You have to fight for it. 



People sometimes never get afraid of showing the there worst site to the people those who are weak then them and they never let you come first if it comes to their ego. I really want to tell them that they can do anything but they can't be a good person.

Saturday 8 August 2020

 Whatever kind of problem you're facing which is not in your hand to change it, well I am not saying that with this thought you should stop fighting but there is a thing that if have no control over the situation your facing then it's fine its life.


It's kind of funny thing about life that we always have to wait for the good things in life and bad things are always coming even we don't want them to be part of our life. well, it's fine but this true and it's kind of funny.



Deep thought

  Deepness of thoughts shows deepness of heart. Life Deep Quotes It's deepness of your heart which say through your thoughts that how de...
