
Saturday 25 April 2020

Short thought

Really want to do something then what are you waiting for don't wait for anyone. Do it if you really want your happiness is all that you want to do no one's does matter rather than your willingness.😇

Short thought

Sometimes we really don't want to let go of something or someone than hold it or them tightly.

Friday 24 April 2020

Short thought

        when you really hurt you cant think of anything at that time no one can control your feelings. 

Short thought

                                                                                                               Sometimes we just lost our self and what we are saying and what we have done we don't realize. and we hurt people by our doing don't cross your limit and if you crossed don't go back to the person to hurt them more. 

Short thought

Choose someone whos will be always behind you no matter what.    I know its hard to find someone like this but it's fine to be along rather than to be with someone who does not support you. 

Thursday 23 April 2020

Short thought

         If you really hurt someone and you left nothing to say and you cant face them then stop there let them do what they want to do to you this the only way you can regret.                                                                                                                                                                

Wednesday 22 April 2020

Short thought

things which never explained how can they be right so it's very important that if you want something perfect from someone you have to explain them perfectly first than you will get the perfect thing you want. 

Tuesday 21 April 2020

Short thought

               loving every single thing will mack you so loveable person so that you can love everyone and it will mack you feel so powerful because noting is powerful than love.

Monday 20 April 2020

Short thought

Don't waste your time think of anything which does not matter to you and really hurting you let your self be free from everything which disturbs you.

Short thought

Hurry is necessary if you really want to achieve something in your life, but it doesn't mean your gonna worry about it, just think simply about it get what you really want. So do hurry but don't worry do your best.

Short thought

If you will cross your limits in bad ways, I don't have to tell you that your gonna punished and if you cross your limits in good ways then you will get everything you have dreamed of so, now you better know what you have to do with your life.

Short thought

Short thought


What you like the most, I am sure you don't want to lose them if you have some kind of loss in then it does not matter but lost them is not good.

Saturday 11 April 2020

short thought

short thought

Short thought

Short thought


Deep thought

  Deepness of thoughts shows deepness of heart. Life Deep Quotes It's deepness of your heart which say through your thoughts that how de...
